Julie Allickson, PhD
Michael S. & Mary Sue Shannon Director of Mayo Clinic's Center for Regenerative Medicine, Otto Bremer Trust Director, Biomanufacturing & Product Development, Center for Regenerative Medicine, Associate Professor of Regenerative Medicine

Stephen E. Alway, PhD., FACSM
Dean, College of Health Professions
Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Professions
Joint Professor, Department of Physiology, College of Medicine

David E Anderson, DVM, MS, DACVS
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
College of Veterinary Medicine, Knoxville, Tennessee

Nir Barzilai, MD
Professor, Departments of Medicine and Genetics, and director of the Institute for Aging Research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Rashid Bashir, PhD
Professor, Bioengineering; Dean, Grainger College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Wilson Bryan, MD
Director, Office of Tissues and Advanced Therapies, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)

Bryan N. Brown, PhD
Professor Departments of Bioengineering, Department o Obstetrics,Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, and the Clinical & Translational Science Institute at the University of Pittsburgh

Guojun Bu, PhD
Mary Lowell Leary Professor and Chair, Department of NeuroscienceJorge and Leslie Bacardi Associate Director, Center for Regenerative Medicine, Mayo Clinic, FL

Arnold Caplan, PhD
Professor, Biology; Director of the Skeletal Research Center at Case Western Reserve University

Karen L. Christman, PhD
Professor, Department of Bioengineering, Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine; Associate Dean for Faculty, Jacobs School of Engineering, University of California San Diego

Elizabeth M. Cosgriff-Hernandez, PhD
Professor, Biomedical Engineering; Cullen Trust for Higher Education Endowed Professorship in Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin

Colleen Delaney
Founder, Chief Scientific Officer and EVP of R&D, Deverra Therapeutics, Inc., Seattle, WA

John P. Fisher, PhD
Professor; Department Chair, Fischell Department of Bioengineering, University of Maryland

Mike Fiske, MS
Principal Consultant, Cell Bridge Strategies & Vice President Manufacturing Sciences at Scorpion Biological Services

Dr. Sheng Lin-Gibson
Chief of the NIST Biosystems and Biomaterials Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

Farshid Guilak, , MD
Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University; Director of Research, St. Louis Shriners Hospitals for Children; Co-Director, Washington University Center of Regenerative Medicine

Joshua M. Hare, MD
Director, Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Karen A. Hasty, PhD, MS
George Thomas Wilhelm Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Biomedical Engineering, Campbell Clinic/UTHSC, Memphis, TN, VA Research Career Scientist, VA Medical Center

Joshua Hunsberger, PhD
Chief Technology Officer, RegenMed Development Organization (ReMDO); Executive Director, Regenerative Medicine Manufacturing Society (RMMS)

Robert C. Jacobson
Founder of Space Advisors®, Author: "Space Is Open for Business: The Industry That Can Transform Humanity"

Nancy King, JD
Professor, Wake Forest School of Medicine and WFIRM; Co-Director, Center for Bioethics, Health and Society and Graduate Program in Bioethics, Wake Forest University

Joanne Kurtzberg, MD
Jerome Harris Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics, Professor of Pathology, Director, Marcus Center for Cellular Cures (MC3), Director, Pediatric Transplant and Cellular Therapy Program, Director, Carolinas Cord Blood Bank at Duke, Co-Director, Duke Hospital Stem Cell Transplant Laboratory

David Lott, MD
Professor, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine & Science,
Chair, Division of Laryngology; Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Director, Head and Neck Regenerative Medicine & Transplantation Program, Associate Director, Center for Regenerative Medicine – Arizona Campus

Steven Lynum
Vice President Corporate Development & Strategy Epredia - Executive Director, Global Business Development PHC Corporation

Peter Marks, MD, PhD
Director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) at the Food and Drug Administration

Dr. Kacey Marra
Professor of Plastic Surgery and Bioengineering, Vice Chair of Research in Plastic Surgery, at the University of Pittsburgh

Jan A. Nolta, PhD
Director of the Stem Cell Program at University of California Davis School of Medicine

Keith Parent, MS
Cell Bridge Strategies Partner and Principal Consultant, Founder and CEO of The Court Square Group

Graham Parker, PhD
Professor Department of Pediatrics Wayne State University School of Medicine Detroit, MI

Milica Radisic, PhD
Professor; Canada Research Chair in Functional Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering, University of Toronto

Shahin Rafii, MD
Professor Chief, Division of Regenerative Medicine Department of Medicine and Director, Ansary Stem Cell Institute, Weill Cornell Medicine Graduate School of Medical Sciences

Preveen Ramamoorthy, PhD
Advisor and Principal Consultant, Cell Bridge Strategies and Executive Director of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative

Russ H. Reed, BSc. Dip. Ed, Grad. Dip. Inst. Administration, MA
Executive Director National Center for the Biotechnology Workforce (NCBW)

Camillo Ricordi, MD
Professor of Surgery and Director, Diabetes Research Institute and Cell Transplant Center, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Michael Roberts, PhD
Chief Scientist (acting) and Vice President, Center for the Advancement of Science in Space – ISS National Lab

Yoji Sato, PhD
Head, Division of Cell-Based Therapeutic Products
National Institute of Health Sciences, Kanagawa, Japan

Molly Shoichet, PhD, O.C., O. Ont., FRS
University Professor and Michael E. Charles Chair in Chemical Engineering; Associate Chair, Graduate Studies, Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Donnelly Centre, University of Toronto

Dr. Renu Swarup
Former Secretary, Department of Biotechnology Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India

Gabor Tigyi, MD,PhD
Harriet Van Vleet Endowment Professor Department of Physiology,
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Global Cooperation and Industry Relations
Executive Director, Tennessee Institute of Regenerative Medicine (TennIRM)

Franklin West, PhD
Associate Professor in the Regenerative Biosciences Center at the University of Georgia

David Williams, DSc
Professor and Director of International Affairs, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine

Joseph Wu, MD, PhD
Director, Stanford Cardiovascular Institute; Professor, Medicine & Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine

Saranya Wyles, MD, PhD
Program Director Education, Mayo Clinic Center for Regenerative MedicineAssistant Professor, Regenerative Medicine

Pamela Yelick, PhD
Professor and Director,
Craniofacial and
Molecular Genetics,
Tufts Graduate School of
Bioomedical Sciences

Eda Yildirim-Ayan, PhD
Associate Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Toledo