Temitayo Famoroti , MD
Clinical Virologist and former National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS) of South Africa, Covid-19 response team and a member of Global Immunization Action Network Team (GIANT).
Temitayo Famoroti is a Medical Doctor (MD) trained as a Pathologist in the field of Clinical Virology, a vaccinologist with strong interests in public health, epidemiology, viral respiratory infections, immunology and drug safety. He is Board certified by the College of Medicine South Africa (CMSA).
He was actively involved in the COVID-19 response team in South Africa as a front line clinical and laboratory health care worker in the laboratory diagnosis of COVID-19 and teaming up with hospital clinicians in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.
He participates in public health programs such as the prevention of mother to child infection of HIV and Hepatitis B infections (PMTCT), vaccine advocacy, immunizations systems and viral vaccine preventable diseases surveillance as well as the expanded program on immunization (EPI).
Temitayo has a passion for laboratory diagnostics and the management of infectious diseases. He keeps up to date with the current changes in the world of immunology, viral associated oncology, molecular biology, emerging and re-emerging pathogens, drug and vaccine development.