Raphael Gorodetsky, PhD
Raphael Gorodetsky studied for his B.Sc. in Biology at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem (1971-1974). He continued his M.Sc studies in Physiology and Neurobiology at the Faculty of Life Sciences and Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University Jerusalem, where he worked in the team that developed and applied the Diagnostic X-ray Spectrometry (DXS). This innovative breakthrough applicable technique enabled a highly sensitive non-invasive in-vivo analysis of a wide spectrum of trace elements in the body in health and disease (1974-1978). Raphael Gorodetsky pursued his Ph.D in Experimental Medicine and Cancer Research at the Hadassah Medical Center & the Institute of Life Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on trace elements in the blood of cancer patients (1980-1985). Prof. Gorodetsky had his Post-Doctorate and Research Associate Position in Radiobiological Sciences at the laboratory of Experimental Radiobiology of UCLA Medical Center (1985-1988). He had further training in a program of Clinical Radiobiology for radiobiologists at the Gray Laboratories at Mount Vernon Hospital, London (1990). His major activities at Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical center following his return from UCLA included the assembly and operation the clinical DXS for in-vivo evaluation of trace elements in health and disease (1988-1991). In these years, he also founded and headed the Biotechnology and Radiobiology laboratory at Sharett Institute of Oncology at Hadassah–Hebrew University Medical Center, with academic affiliation in the Cancer Research and Developmental Biology at the Hebrew University Medical School (1991-present). Major areas of basic and applied scientific developments included the co-invention and assembly of the non-invasive viscoelastic skin analyzer (VESA) for research and clinical application, based on measuring the speed of mechanical wave propagation in the skin. In 2000 Gorodetsky co-founded and served as Chief Scientist of Hapto Biotech, the first start-up project established by Hadasit Hadassah Medical Center R&D company, focusing on pro-regenerative cell therapy, based on newly invented cell friendly fibrin compositions and matrices. These technologies has served as a basis for adult stem cells research and regenerative medicine. His recent applied research direction is associated with adult cells based therapies and the application of the allogeneic and xenogeneic human placental stromal cells for the enhancement of pro-regenerative processes. This set the basis for a simple treatment of local and systemic high dose radiation damages, as well as for other possible therapeutic indications. Raphael Gorodetsky has had collaboration with numerous medical centers, including HUJI, the UCLA Medical Center, the NIH-NIDCR, the University of Tubingen, Migal-North Galilee Israel Research Center. He also collaborated with many companies, including the New York Blood Center, NY and its Subsidiary company VITEX, Smith and Nephew at the UK as well as ColMed, Metamorphix and Pluristem in Israel. He has authored >130 major academic publications, granted >20 Israeli and International patent families in various scientific areas of his interests and presented his work in numerous international meetings worldwide.