This startup wants to copy you into an embryo for organ harvesting
By Antonio Regalado - MIT Technology Review With plans to create realistic synthetic embryos, grown in jars, Renewal Bio is on a journey to the horizon of science and ethics. The company, Renewal Bio, is pursuing recent advances in stem-cell technology and artificial...
Artificial Intelligence Enters Stem Cell Research
Written by: Foley & Lardner LLP - A major step forward in using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for scientific discovery in the field of stem cell research was recently reported1, reflecting the continued growth of the technology and stressing the need...
Scientists Partially Revived Pig Organs An Hour After Death In ‘Stunning’ New Research
Here's a headline you don't see every day. Stunning- #organs revived after death! Could this one day be an answer to organ shortages? Or a plot straight out of a dystopian TV show on the SyFy Channel. Article in #Forbes provides the quick takeaway: "The research works...
Ageing and rejuvenation of tissue stem cells and their niches
Abstract Most adult organs contain regenerative stem cells, often organized in specific niches. Stem cell function is critical for tissue homeostasis and repair upon injury, and it is dependent on interactions with the niche. During ageing, stem cells decline in their...
An abundance of CAR-Ts: $37B cell therapy cancer market can’t support ‘congested’ pipeline, report says
Image caption: Market over-saturation is especially pronounced in acute lymphocytic leukemia, which has more than 300 drugs in the pipeline, plus two that boast FDA approvals, GlobalData points out. (Mohammed Haneefa Nizamudeen/iStock/Getty Images Plus) By Fraiser...
Pediatric Urologist Dr. Anthony Atala to Receive 2022 Jacobson Innovation Award
Dr. Atala leads an interdisciplinary team that has developed 15 clinically used tissue applications and is working on more than 40 tissues and organs Newswise — CHICAGO (June 10, 2022): Anthony Atala, MD, FACS, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, will be presented with the...
New stem cell models for aging and eye diseases
Seeing a brighter future! Highly interesting article. Using stem modeling with #IPSCs, researchers at the #UniversityofMelbourne developed genetic roadmaps for two causes of irreversible #blindness - Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma #POAG and age-related macular...
A Blueprint for Turning Stem Cells Into Sensory Interneurons
image Caption: Sensory interneurons (with nuclei in red) derived from mouse stem cells. Credit: UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center Researchers at the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCLA have developed a...
Reactivating Type 1 diabetics’ pancreatic stem cells to produce insulin
image caption: Microscope image of pancreatic tissue, magnification 25X. Shows Islets of Langerhans (lightly stained, pink areas - composed of alpha and beta cells, endocrine tissue), and exocrine tissue (darker, surrounding tissue, secretes digestive enzymes)....
Stem Cells Used to Repair Heart Defects in Children
Doctors turn to stem cell treatment to heal the youngest hearts Almost one out of 100 babies are born with a heart defect each year in the United States. Many of these babies will need surgery within weeks of birth, followed by more surgeries throughout their lives....
The chemical controlling life and death in hair follicles
Image Caption: New research into factors that control the life and death of hair follicle cells could help people with baldness, as well as wound healing. Credit: Helpaeatcontu/Wikimedia by Jules Bernstein, University of California - Riverside A single chemical is key...
Charles River jumps into cell and gene therapy manufacturing with $875M Cognate buy
By Fraiser Kansteiner - Fierce Pharma Just a few weeks after Cognate BioServices moved to beef up its cell and gene therapy manufacturing, the company has attracted a buyer eager to tap that expertise. Charles River Laboratories agreed to throw down $875 million cash...