A Bold Effort to Cure HIV—Using Crispr

A Bold Effort to Cure HIV—Using Crispr

An experiment tests whether the gene-editing technology can stop the virus from replicating, which would ultimately wipe out the infection. By In July, an HIV-positive man became the first volunteer in a clinical trial aimed at using Crispr gene editing to...

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Three Noteworthy Applications of CRISPR

Three Noteworthy Applications of CRISPR

By Demaris Mills, Integrated DNA Technologies - Technology Networks Only 10 years ago, Nobel prize-winning work introduced CRISPR, or clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, as a new and powerful genome editing tool. Since then, many exciting...

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How an experimental treatment beat a little girl’s cancer

How an experimental treatment beat a little girl’s cancer

CBS Sunday Morning Emily Whitehead has a secret weapon: "My T-cells, part of my immune system, were trained to fight and kill my cancer." She was only six when she became the first child ever to receive genetically-modified T cells. The experimental treatment cured...

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