Modified neural stem cells for spinal cord injury

Modified neural stem cells for spinal cord injury

By Drug Target Review Using genetically modified human neural stem cells (hNSCs), researchers demonstrated that targeted manipulation of a specific gene expression within hNSCs can facilitate the restoration of damaged neural circuits and recovery of locomotor...

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Building muscle in the lab

Building muscle in the lab

by Fabio Bergamin - ETH Zurich Professor Ori Bar-Nur and his team grow muscle cells in the laboratory. In this case, they are mouse cells, but the researchers are also interested in human and cow cells. Promising applications resonate with both: human muscle tissue...

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How mRNA Could Safely Replace Blood Stem Cell Transplantation

How mRNA Could Safely Replace Blood Stem Cell Transplantation

by William A. Haseltine - Forbes At present, the only way to cure genetic blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia is to reset the immune system with a stem cell transplantation. Only a fraction of patients elects this procedure, as the process is...

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Stem cell studies tune into hearing regeneration

Stem cell studies tune into hearing regeneration

by Keck School of Medicine of USC - MedicalXpress Image caption: Rows of sensory hearing cells (green) next to supporting cells (red) in the inner ear of a mouse. Credit: John Duc Nguyen and Juan Llamas/Segil Lab A deafened adult cannot recover the ability to hear,...

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Stem Cell Therapy May Restore Fertility After Ovarian Failure

Stem Cell Therapy May Restore Fertility After Ovarian Failure

by Katie Brighton - Technology Networks With cancer rates among young adults on the rise, the number of people experiencing infertility as a result of chemotherapy is also expected to increase. Yet, there are currently no therapies available to restore fertility after...

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New Method Developed To Reprogram Human Cells

New Method Developed To Reprogram Human Cells

by Monash University - Technology Networks News In a groundbreaking study published in Nature, Australian scientists have resolved a long-standing problem in regenerative medicine. Led by Professor Ryan Lister from the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research and...

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