Keshav K Singh, PhD
Founder of Mitochondria Research and Medicine Society, Founder of Yuva Biosciences
Dr. Singh is a passionate and energetic world leader demystifying mysteries of mitochondria in human health, diversity, and gender disparities. Keshav is investigating intricasies of mitochondrial communication inside and outside of the cell to understand, prevent and cure diseases in which mitochondria play an important primary and secondary role. These include mitochondrial diseases, aging, and aging-associated diseases such as cancer. His laboratory was the first to describe mitochondria’s role in the epigenetic regulation of the nuclear genome. He also demonstrated the role of mitochondria in nuclear genome instability.
He is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Mitochondrion journal. He founded the Mitochondria Research and Medicine Society in the US and India. He is instrumental in promoting understanding and awareness of mitochondrial diseases. He has organized numerous scientific meetings and workshops on mitochondria related topics. He has also given many keynote lectures and chaired or co-chaired scientfic sessions in national and international professional meetings. Dr. Singh has served or serves on the editorial board of many journals. He is the author of more than a hundred research publications and three books. He has served or serves on expert grants review panels in the United States, Austria, Italy, UK, Poland, Singapore, and other countries. He has won numerous awards.
Keshav has been cited in newspapers, magazines and has given interviews to radio shows and television about stories of public interest. His research has been highlighted in Nature, Newsweek, US News and World Report, Forbes, Vogue, Bazaar, Beauty Crew, Hindustan Times, International Business Times, Bloomberg, National Geographic and many other prints and TV news outlets around the world.
Dr Singh is an entrepreuner. He founded Yuva Biosciences and in 2020 he was recognized as one of the Innovation Heroes by Newsweek.
Keshav obtained his undergraduate degree in India, Ph.D. in Australia, and did postdoctoral studies at Harvard, USA. After completing his postdoctoral studies, he joined Johns Hopkins as Assistant Professor of Oncology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Before moving to the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), as Joy and Bill Harbert Endowed Chair in Department of Genetics, he was at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York, where he rose through the ranks to Professor and then to Distinguish Professor of Oncology.
More details at http://www.mitoscientist.org/