Eve Herold
Director of Policy Research and Education at Healthspan Action Coalition
Eve Herold is Director of Policy Research and Education for the Healthspan Action Coalition. For the past 30 years she has been a communications executive in the scientific and medical nonprofit sector and a science writer specializing in issues at the intersection of science and society. She has written and spoken extensively about stem cell research and regenerative medicine, age-related diseases, medical implants, robotics and the social and bioethical aspects of leading-edge medicine. She is the past director of the Office of Communications and Public Affairs at the American Psychiatric Association and has served as Director of Public Policy Research and Education for the Genetics Policy Institute. Other positions include Public Education Manager for the Stem Cell Research Foundation, a nonprofit organization promoting biomedical research and education. She is the former managing editor of The Gerontologist, a scholarly journal that explores the many facets of aging and its impact on society. Her 2007 book, Stem Cell Wars, was awarded a Commendation in Popular Medicine by the British Medical Association. Her 2016 book, Beyond Human, has been nominated for the Kirkus Prize in Nonfiction. A new book, Robots and the People Who Love Them: Holding Onto Our Humanity in an Age of Social Robots, will be released in fall 2023. She has published numerous articles on a variety of topics in cutting-edge science and medicine.