By Cliff Brass – Drug Target Review

Resolution Therapeutics is pioneering a novel approach to the treatment of chronic liver disease – by engineering the patient’s own macrophages to include regenerative properties. Cliff Brass, Chief Medical Officer at Resolution Therapeutics, explains how the aim is to reduce inflammation, improve liver function, and ultimately eliminate the need for transplants in patients with end-stage liver disease.

What are the main challenges currently faced in the treatment of chronic liver diseases, and how does Resolution Therapeutics aim to address these challenges?

Once a patient develops advanced cirrhosis/end-stage liver disease there are no specific therapies to significantly avoid major decompensations and death in the next few years. This is caused by the high amounts of inflammation and fibrosis (scarring) in the liver, suppressing the liver’s natural ability to regenerate or perform its function of filtering blood. Resolution plans to address this by directly decreasing inflammation and improving liver function using the patient’s own macrophages. Delivered as an autologous cell therapy, these macrophages have been engineered to increase their anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic properties, with the aim of delivering more potent and durable clinical effect to patients with end-stage liver disease.

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