By Abe Rosenberg – City of Hope

When Camila Quino’s acute lymphoblastic leukemia returned for a third time, a stem cell transplant was the 24-year-old’s last option. Finding a new best friend wasn’t a part of the plan

Back in 2022, when they were total strangers, Bradley saved Quino’s life, donating stem cells that helped Quino fight off a third battle with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).

Bradley doesn’t wear the “lifesaver” title easily. “I did something so small,” she protests, “She [Quino] did the hard part.”

The “hard part” was more than a decade in the making. Growing up in Los Angeles, Quino lived a robust, athletic childhood, playing soccer, studying karate, enjoying her life. But at age 9, Quino’s back began to hurt. Doctors assumed she’d been injured playing sports. She wore a brace for a while, but the pain kept getting worse.

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