By Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist – EurekAlert News

WINSTON-SALEM, NC – October 4, 2023  – A research paper published today in Science Translational Medicine presents a significant breakthrough in the area of skin regeneration and wound healing by researchers at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM). The study, titled “Bioprinted Skin with Multiple Cell Types Promotes Skin Regeneration, Vascularization, and Epidermal Rete Ridge Formation in Full-Thickness Wounds,” shows the successful development of bioprinted skin that accelerate wound healing, support healthy extracellular matrix remodeling, and provide optimism for complete wound recovery. Anthony Atala, M.D., director of WFIRM and Adam Jorgensen, M.D., Ph.D., post-doctorate researcher at WFIRM, co-led the study.

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Skin #bioprinting works in preclinical setting! Called a breakthrough. #ScienceTranslationalMedicine published this month. Actual skin regeneration & wound recovery reports Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine #WFIRM. Successful development bioprinted skin accelerating #woundhealing, supports #extracellularmatrix remodeling. Multi-layered full thickness skin with #epidermis #dermis #hypodermis. Transplanted.Forms blood vessel, skin patterns & normal tissue formation. Dr. Anthony Atala says “Comprehensive skin healing is a significant clinical challenge, affecting millions of individuals worldwide, with limited options.These results show that the creation of full thickness human bioengineered skin is possible, and promotes quicker healing and more naturally appearing outcomes.” My travel tip. Make a point of traveling to #visitwinstonsalem and see the incredible #InnovationQuarter home of WFIRM- where it’s all happening.

Bernard Siegel