For 2019, the World Stem Cell Summit and Phacilitate Leaders World are staging a joint poster forum, sponsored by Fred Hutch and organized by the high-impact, research journal Stem Cell Translational Medicine. This poster showcase represents a remarkable opportunity for attendees to display innovations and ideas to a global audience of 2,000.

One of the hallmarks of the Summit poster forum is that the submissions are interdisciplinary in scope. In order to advance the field, the best minds in the ecosystem are required to be engaged. Submitting posters spurs adoption of new ideas and inspiration for all.

Submitters include scientists and researchers; clinicians; representatives of industry; stem cell research funding organizations and economic development officials; members of Institutional Review Boards and Stem Cell Research Oversight Committees; patient advocacy organizations, patients, and representatives of related not-for-profit organizations; government agencies related to public health, such as NIH, FDA, EMEA, CMS, and their counterparts from around the globe; representatives from the insurance and finance industries; professors and students of medicine, physiology, biology, other relevant sciences, ethics, law, and other disciplines related to social implications; and practicing professionals.

There will be poster sessions, with food and drinks served, on January 23 and 24. Poster presenters will be in attendance to answer questions and share insights.

The posters will be evaluated by expert committee and winning poster selected. That poster will be recognized and its presenter afforded the opportunity to provide an oral presentation on the program on January 25.